True Breakthrough for Your Soul

Jesus said in John 19:30, “...It is finished...” What, exactly, is finished? Everything.When you see what Jesus did on the cross, understanding exactly what He meant when He said, “It is finished” because everything is finished—that’s righteousness. He left nothing under any stone, nothing hidden, absolutely zero areas of life untouched. He took everything and completely washed it away. This is the most exciting topic that you’ll ever have in your life if you get it. If you get it, there is nothing behind you anymore. If you get this, there’s absolutely nothing in any closet anywhere; there’s nothing hidden, there’s nothing that God hasn’t already forgotten about that He didn’t get with the clean sweep of the blood of Christ—nothing. You wake up in the morning with His mercy that is new, and you have an absolutely clean past where there’s no blemish, no spot, no wrinkle—nothing hiding or ready to creep back into your life. It’s all gone.

God put in place the absolute ability for us to walk in complete freedom. We have to choose whether we’re going to believe that what He did is enough. The problem is, we don’t all believe that we’ve been forgiven completely. And so we still revisit stuff that Jesus said is finished, which puts us in a spirit of heaviness and disables us from worship. The truth is, you’re a brand new creation. Old things have passed away, all things have been made new. I hit this thing and go after it hard because this is the strength of the gospel. The gospel is that the blood of Jesus set you free, and cleansed you of all unrighteousness so that you can live and be free and walk in righteousness. He cleansed you from all sin, not just some sin. All sin. Now, you have to choose to believe that. If you don’t, then you’re going to be wrapped up in your past and in all things that aren’t new, and that just keeps you in bondage.

True breakthrough for the soul takes place when the truth about the blood of Jesus becomes reality in our lives. We sing about the blood of Jesus all the time. We talk about the finished work, the blood, and give thanks for the cross, and we go crazy because our hearts know it’s true. But our mind is still bound if it hasn’t been renewed. The song or sermon ends, and then, the excitement is gone. Your heart says “yes,” but your brain is still trying to figure it out. You’ve got to stop trying to “figure it out.” Rather, when a thought comes against what your heart already knows, you’ve got to bring that thought captive to the finished work of the cross! In 2024, let’s be a people devoted to the Word of God and intimacy with the Father, whose minds are constantly being renewed!

  • Todd White

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