It’s never too late to share your testimony.

You are a threat to the devil, but if he can get your soul in unrest, he has you. Meaning, if he can get you in a place out of peace, and a spirit of heaviness to come in, it’s unrest. That’s why heaviness feels so foreign—because it’s not supposed to be what you carry. You’ve got to bring your soul into subjection to truth immediately, or that thing just keeps going down, down, down. Then, depression, anxiety, and fear can come in—it’s all in that hole. I’m here to tell you that hole is a lie. Jesus paid a price to take you up out of the miry pit. He took your feet and set them upon the high ground on which you stand (Psalm 40:2). This is no joke. This needs to happen every day.

If people think you’re nuts, so what? It doesn’t matter where you’re at; if you start sensing your soul going into that weird place, you’ve got to take the thought captive—immediately. You can’t afford to even let it rest on you for more than three seconds. The Christian life is fine-tuning. I want to fine-tune this thing so that when I sense the oppression, I can sense His manifest presence more than the oppression. But in order for that to happen, you’ve got to bring it into submission. This is why I’m so adamant about you getting in the Bible, and the Bible getting in you. This is why I’m so adamant about the fear of the Lord. This is why I’m so adamant about holiness and purity. Because these have to be priorities. But I don’t have to pursue purity; I  have to pursue Him Who is pure. And when I pursue Him Who is pure, He crushes all impurity. So this means I’ve got to go after Him.

Why are you saved? What did He set you free from? I’m making sure you never forget where you came from. I share my testimony all the time—because I’m still free!! And every time I share it, it impregnates the air with faith for God to do it for whoever is listening! There are two main reasons why people don’t share their testimony. The first is that they’re embarrassed of where they came from, which, that thinking means you believe you came out of it all by yourself… If people think, “Well, I don’t want anyone to know what I did,” guess what? They can’t know a person who’s dead!! If you’ve become a new creation—and you have when you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead—the old you is DEAD. You can’t be afraid of people looking at you weirdly when you share your testimony because they’ll only look at you weirdly until you get to the best part of it—the Jesus part! You’re there, sharing with people what God did for you, so that He can do it again in their lives!

Secondly, people don’t share their testimony because they’re not engaging in authentic worship. True worship for the King of Glory sets you free from you, and then sets you free from the people that hate you. The fact that people hate you won’t diminish. We are in the beginning stages of the great falling away. I’m watching more people in the church fall away than ever before. And only the people who authentically worship and love God in their hearts are going to remain. This is the part where it gets really hard because people that you love and people that seem to be for you will turn on you in a second. You had better maintain your diligence in the Word and prayer, your heart for God, and the reality of your soul blessing the Lord in order to keep you from unforgiveness and bitterness. If you allow bitterness and unforgiveness to take root, you will lose your worship. And if you lose your worship, you will lose your intimacy. And if you lose your intimacy, you’ve got catastrophe. I have every reason to be hurt and offended. Instead, I strengthen myself in the Lord (read 1 Samuel 30:1-6 where David’s men were turning on him). If everyone is against me, God is for me. That’s all that matters! I dwell in the shadow of the most high (Psalm 91:1) because He has put His love upon me (Psalm 91:14).

Go your day in the Lord’s strength and reject any heaviness or oppression. Pursue, above all else, loving the Lord our God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength!

  • Todd White

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