A Conduit for The Glory of God

My goal in everything I do is to help facilitate an encounter with Jesus. I want you to encounter the Holy Spirit. We can’t encounter religion. We need to encounter Him. Because when you encounter Him, you carry Him. When you encounter Jesus, you actually become a carrier of that encounter to where you move from just a visitation that you had reading this, or through watching a video, or by coming to one of our events, to creating a habitation that YOU facilitate everywhere you go.

You are a temple that Holy Spirit dwells in. He lives in us, but He wants to rest upon you. We can’t afford to just talk about Jesus when we’re inside the church or inside a gathering. Go after Him with everything you are—regardless of whether you’re inside a church building or outside of it. If you don’t start somewhere, then you’ll never start. You can’t put this off anymore. It’s time. How many people do you want to see go to hell, spending eternity without God? NONE. Right?! Then, talk to somebody!

The world is looking for truth. The world is looking for love. The reality is that when you share the love of God with somebody, you are His representative—you are an ambassador of hope. I want to establish that healing happens in normal Christianity. Miracles happen. That’s normal Christianity. I need you to be healed, but I need you to walk as a healer. Now, you’re not the one healing—Christ in you is the One Who is healing through you, but you’re the conduit that He wants to use. Are you with me? The same Holy Spirit that raised Jesus dwells in you (Romans 6:10-11). The disciples in the upper room got baptized in the Holy Spirit and when they did, all of heaven broke loose. Holy Ghost came down and 3,000 people were added to the gathering of believers that day. What would happen if everybody had that encounter consistently, everywhere they went? This nation would be changed!

Do you know that you carry that change? You are the one that God wants to partner with! Come on! You must make a decision to really run after God, after holiness. No more emotional hype, man. You need to go after God with everything you are. God wants to send revival out from the Church and into the world. Why not now? Why not here? Why not you? Declare it with me today: “I AM A CONDUIT FOR THE GLORY OF JESUS!”

Todd White

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