You Can’t Fail with God.

Never consider anything too small or too big for God to heal. People think, “Well, it’s just a headache.” Well, try having one. I mean it. If you consider something to be too small, you’ll consider cancer to be too big. Don’t consider healing to be too small, like it’s not a big deal—I’m not talking about just for you, but for anybody—because to God, it’s important that it gets healed. How much more of God does it take to heal cancer than a stubbed pinky? It doesn’t take “more” of Him. It’s the same. Healing is healing. So when we regard something as too little, we’ll also regard something as too big. It’s very important that we know it takes the same size God to do each. You have no ability to heal in your own strength. You have to have Him. Are you with me?

It’s very important that we walk in the miraculous. But it’s very important that we walk in purity. I can’t talk about purity enough because we don’t fail when it comes to the miraculous. People say, “Well, I prayed for them and I didn’t see them healed.” But trust me, you didn’t fail. You were obedient to the Word of God to step out and pray. Jesus says in Matthew 10:8 (NKJV) “Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons. Freely you have received, freely give.” But when you live in immorality, you fail. And that’s something that the body of Christ sees and never lets go of it. Great moves of God are often remembered because of the failure; not because of the miracles. There have been great moves of God where the most tremendous miracles are taking place, and then—boom—the leader fails. All of a sudden, the movement is not remembered for the mighty miracles that took place but now it’s remembered for the moral failure. So we don’t fail when it comes to miracles. We fail when we step outside of the will of God.

One way we can’t fail is if we walk in love because, according to 1 Corinthians 13:8, love never fails. But we need to have such a love for God. We need to have the reality of what real grace is inside of our hearts at all times because grace empowers us to walk out what truth calls us to. So a priority is to have a repentant heart and to always preach repentance regardless of where we are. Jesus commanded us to go and preach repentance. Jesus said in Matthew 4:17 (NKJV), “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” Jesus’ number one message was repentance. Repentance is to change the way you think. So, in order for you to preach repentance, you have to change the way you think on a continual basis. This is the heart cry of the gospel! You need to live in a place of absolute repentance, always being able to obey the still, small voice of God. But if your conscience isn’t clear, you won’t hear His voice. It’s utterly important. When you’re walking along your road, don’t think that an encounter with anybody is a small thing. This is why the ministry is called Lifestyle Christianity. I didn’t “try” to get into full-time ministry. I just got born again and realized I am in ministry. I didn’t try to get to the pulpit. I just knew that my job was my mission field. My family was my mission field. And everywhere I went was my mission field. So, whether I’m in a drug store, in Wal-Mart, in my neighborhood, in a grocery store, at the post office—no matter where I am, I’m a missionary. Wherever I am, I am an ambassador of hope to a lost and dying world. My purpose is a mission from Jesus Christ to bring to the lost and dying world what it looks like for someone to come out of darkness, walk into the marvelous light of Jesus Christ, and burn with the brightness of His glory.

However, if my conscience didn’t get clean and isn’t maintained clean, I wouldn’t be able to minister out of love. I would do it out of duty. And if I do it out of duty, I get caught in performance, trying to impress people with my gift instead of influencing people with the heart of the Father. If we don’t grab that truth, we focus on the gifts, and we don’t want to do that. The gifts are there and we talk about them, but if I don’t get you to understand who you are in Christ, you’re going to gain who you are through the things you do. And if you gain who you are through the things you do, you’re only as good as your last “performance.” If you don’t see who you are, you’re going to perform to “be” instead of be in order “to do.” Read that last part again: be in order to do. This happens when your heart is abandoned unto the call of God, which is to be right with the Father. The signs—the miraculous—will follow those who believe, and when you couple those with maintaining right standing with God, you can’t fail with Him!

  • Todd White

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